
Divine Pushes

It was and is God's idea,
This marrying thing,
Between a man and a woman.
Two, broken, together
Loving in a fallen world,
But with a good God
Always at the ready.

We don't see it so well,
The purpose,
His design,
But we know what God wants,
Us, to stick it out,
Hand in hand,
With our eyes on Him.

Holiness, not happiness,
Is the prize,
With Divine pushes
Every day,
Inviting us in every storm
To turn to Him
To show us the way.

We are to hold fast
To one another and
Turn, turn, turn to God
With every push,
No matter the season.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Song of Solomon 5:16
Genesis 2:24

See this poem @ His Newsman

by J Alan R
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