

After telling His disciples
     to take heart in all tribulation,
          that He has overcome the world,
Jesus lifted His eyes to Heaven
     and said: Father, the hour has come,
          glorify Me that I might glorify You,
Receive Me back home,
     into the presence I had once
          with You before this world existed.
Although I will no longer be
     in the flesh with them, please
          send a helper to live inside them,
Who will allow them to be one
     as we are one,  Me in You, You
          in Me, them in Us and We in them.
I ask this also for those who will
     come to believe in Me and You,
          that we all too may be one together.
And then Jesus knelt in the garden:
    as beads of sweat and blood so fell
         nevertheless, not My will but Yours be

John 17
Luke 22:39-46

by J Alan R
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