
It's Always Been Grace

Perpetual innocence.
Long walks in the garden
     with Father God.
And by His loving hands
     there was Grace.

Trouble in Paradise...
Innocence lost.
A long journey's exile
     separated from God. 
A kind of death, but not,
     there was Grace.

Hell on earth...
Rampant sin.
Destruction too good for
     people with no God.
A remnant would survive,
     there was Grace.

A menagerie afloat...
A Divine restart.
An ark with no sail, and
     no rudder to steer.
But by God made dry land,
     there was Grace.

Moses and the Promised Land
Abraham's stars in the sky
Isaac, and Jacob, and Joseph too
Judges and kings, even the prophets
A little boy's slingshot's steady aim
And a Messiah by manger...
There was Grace just the same.

Truth be told...it's always been Grace.

      See this poem @ His Newsman

by J Alan R
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