
Lean Into It

When the wind blows
     you cannot see it,
          only the effects of it.
When the wind blows hard
     you can surely feel it,
          but cannot change it.
To stand up straight and true,
     like God wants us to
          you must lean into It.*
God's Spirit lives deep
     within every believer,
          silently working there.
His Spirit is like the wind
     you cannot see it,
          only its effects so fair.
And where His Spirit thrives
     are men whose leaning
          bares fruit so rare.

John 3
Galatians 5:16-26

*examples of 'leaning into it':
     able to walk upright in a strong wind,
     able to make a sharp turn skiing,
     able to ride out an ocean wave,
     able to hit a baseball pitch
*evidence 'leaning into' the Holy Spirit:
     godly love, joy, peace, patience,
     kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
     gentleness, self-control

       See this poem @ His Newsman

by J Alan R
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