Heaven's Leaven

A large amount of it from what is seen is waiting to be worked all through the dough...
A large amount of it from what is unseen is waiting too, and choose we must, if we hope to Know...

Having mixed flour, water and yeast with your knuckles in a bowl...
"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood." Or, beware the world's leaven.

Hand scoop the dough out of the bowl onto a floured surface...
"We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz."  Or, have not little faith.

Press from side to side with both hands, making slight clockwise turns...
"One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind." Or, do not let your heart be hardened.

Using the heels of both hands, press firmly into the dough, pushing slightly forward, until flattened...
"I sense a prob-prob-prob-problem here! Why the long face, hmmm?" Or, do not let your eyes be blind.

With the fingers of one hand, fold the far edge of the dough upward and over toward you...
"Imagine there's no heaven; it's easy if you try." Or, do not let your ears be deaf.

While at the same time, with the fingers of the other hand, poke into the middle of the fold...
"ME @ THE ZOO." Or, remember what I have done.

To see if ready, pinch the dough, checking for the consistency of an earlobe...
"Are you Sirius? Hear the Revolution!" Or, no longer conform to the patterns of this world.

And if ready, grease and shape the dough into a baking tin, and scar on top with a blade...
"Everyone thinks I'm special, but I don't know anything about magic at all." Or, be renewed by the
transforming of your mind.

Get behind Me, satan, for you stored not your most precious treasures in heaven,
But blessed are you, My child, for you chose well from the bounty of heaven's leaven.

Matthew 16:5-17, Mark 8:14-33

by J Alan R

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