
Made to be a Cubit

We were made to be a cubit,¹
The measure of a son of man,
From elbow to middle finger tip,
By the mighty hand of God,
In the likeness of His great span,
But by our own doing,
We fell far short
Of the sacred proportion,
Where He wanted to make His cut.

Hence the Son of Man,
A second chance to be a cubit,
A new measure for all things,
To be re-born, to live anew,
By the gracious hand of God,
In His loving mercy
We can rise
And be so much more.

Deuteronomy 3:11
Revelation 21:17

¹a cubit is the relative 3D
measure of space/volume, not
just length or height, far from
being a standardized distance
from each man's elbow to their
middle finger tip, meant to
suggest that time and space are
reflections of one another in
spirit, and symbolically to rep-
resent that proportion within
the human body that is intended
to be sacred

by J Alan R
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