Not for Pockets
A seed's not for pockets
        but for the ground. 
The same's with the Spirit,
        though buried deep within,
                it's heaven bound. 

A seed's not for pockets,
        even if close to the heart. 
The same's with the Spirit,
        it's fruit won't grow forth if
                we don't do our bit. 

Bring glory to God 
        in all you do;
Learn especially what
        He wants you to. 

Keep your eyes on Him
        no matter what,
And never give up,
        give it all you got. 

Surrender to His holy will,
        hold nothing back,
And practice philadelphia 
        'til you get the knack. 

And above all, love, give
        your utmost TLC,
To even those who are not
        all that brotherly.

2 Peter 1:8

by J Alan R
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