You can trail behind
And see more than
where a man of God's been.
Those Christ lives within
leave evidence invisible,
not like litter on the ground,
But like fruit on a vine
or branch,*
ripe for the taking...and eating
as we strive to follow
in their footsteps.
Love is a strawberry bunch,
hanging in there together.
Joy is a watermelon whose
brings a smile to any face.
Peace is a cherry, calming
in its store of oxidants.
Patience is a pomegranate,
it's the only way to eat it.
Kindness is a coconut, with
its 101 helpful uses.
Goodness is an orange chocked
with nutritious Vitamin C.
Faithfulness is an apple,
so reliable
it made gravity true.
Gentleness is a banana,
requires handling with care.
And self-control is a starfruit,
so often so hard to come by.
2 Corinthians 5:17
Hebrews 11:1
Galatians 5:22-23
*hypothetical fruit comparisons
Tristen Coffee, in "If the
Fruit of
the Spirit Were Actual Fruit"
(adapted poetically) |