Finding Blue Space*
Watching sunglints off its surface
Listening to its woosh upon the shore
Smelling its lightly salted spray
Feeling its barely bubbles over our toes...
It's what soothes our spirit
Blue space, it's good for what ails it.

Setting stars to shine in our eyes
Loosing butterflies to fly within
Leaving knees weak in all the shaking
Causing hearts to skip a beat...
Those who love us, mind and body
Blue space, it's good to have somebody.

Pouring mercy down from on high
Washing away our flesh's sin
Welling springs take punishment
Making us alive again with Him...
He who saves our souls
Blue Space, how His wave rolls.

*Blue Space is the title/name for water-based,
health-enabling places or spaces (oceans, seas,
rivers, lakes, etc.). In my poem, I simply
extrapolated the notion of blue space to include
those who love us (mates and loves who refresh us)
and Jesus the Christ (Living Water).

by J Alan R

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