Stand in the River
Waist deep in The Jordan of The Baptist John,
Rising up of out of the waters that there do flow,
Jesus calls all brethren to stand in the river and know:
God created us, fearfully and wonderfully made;
He chose us, sons and daughters, for all time;
He rescued us, more than a great price He paid;
And He loves us, Jesus' open arms the one true sign.
Immerse yourselves in the flood of His acceptance.
Bathe in the majesty of His once for all forgiveness.
Live not to gain what is given without hint of merit,
Live instead because in Him we already have it.

Psalm 139:13-16
Psalm 8
Psalm 27:10
John 15:16
Ephesians 1:4-8
Matthew 3:16-17

*Inspired by a reading of Louie Giglio's
"Goliath Must Fall".

by J Alan R

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