
The Wrestler

The Wrestler was, is and will always
     grapple with us, His loyal matmen.
But in our matches, rather than a pin,
     All He wants is our sure submission.
If it takes all night, or night after night,
     all He wants is full our trust in Him.
Sometimes we think we can even win,
     if we can just sink the halfie deep,
If we can slip the single leg fast enough,
     maybe His Will will bend to ours.
Sometimes we see only our opponents
     and forget God is standing there.
All He ever wants from His own team
     is that we not wrestle against Him,
          but let Him do it for us.

Genesis 32:22-32
Revelation 1:8

As morning began to break, Jacob's fierce and determined
clinch on God to win or not lose his wrestling match with
God transformed into a humble clinging to Him. That trans-
formation began when God mercifully let Jacob know he
could not possibly win the match by injuring his hip with
but a mere touch. That realization, of Who he was actually
dealing with, and that it was God's love for him that kept
Him from utterly destroying him, led Jacob to finally and
thankfully ask for God's blessing going forward.

"For when I am weak, God is strong...at His strongest in me."
2 Corinthians 12:10

                     See this poem @ His Newsman

by J Alan R
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