
We Cry Tears

We saw Him come as the Warrior King,
And our hallelujahs heralded high hope.
We cried tears of more than exultant joy.

We heard His lowly ride was taken away,
And the weight of our manacles remained.
We cried tears of continued deep despair.

We beheld Him beaten so and crucified,
But did as yet not understand the why.
We cried tears, and felt His searing pain.

We knew Him to be buried with the dead,
And somehow felt His so heavy darkness.
We cried tears as if lost was all our hope.

Hearing news of His miracle resurrection,
Disbelief mixed with the hope it was true.
We cried tears because we had no idea
     what to do.

It was actually seeing Jesus alive again
That pushed away every lingering doubt.
We cried tears and could not help but to
     shout it out.

But we knew those who only heard of it
Would need more than steady convincing.
We cried tears nevertheless, either way,
     because the blinding veil had finally
          been torn away.

We cry tears for both those who believe
And those who choose to stay the course
     along the dark way.
The Holy Spirit's work is not yet done.
We cry tears.

by J Alan R
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