The Wayback Machine -
  • Annie Meadows


The words of this poem streamed through my mind driving home after a message at church. I was reminded of many things....but the truth is, Jesus does beckon us to cross such a bridge, and He is with all the way.

I stand at the foot of a bridge

Tarnished with words

that creep into my mind

reminding me of what

I don’t want to remember

Wobbly planks of rotting wood,

Sharp splinters of betrayals and lies,

Shattered trust

Ingrained in every board

Metal railings along the edge

Unbolted and rusted,

No longer secure

To hold my grasp

I stand at the foot of this bridge

No view of the other side --

Still in my thoughts,

Questioning my strength,

Wondering how I could ever cross

I look away

I’d rather walk on by

Find something safer

Farther away

Out of view

Never to look back

And yet You beckon me

To take one step…

Just one

on the rusty old bridge

toward the other side

The other side

Where healing begins

Forgiveness awaits

Love calls my name

Peace resides

Because You are there

Isaiah 41:10 "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

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