
Don't Mess With God!

The gravestone of Jesus
   was rolled into place
      and sealed shut
         by men of the world,
But on the third day
   the seal was broken
      and the stone rolled away
         by an angel of God.

The life of Jesus Christ
   was taken in violence
      and left for dead
         by men who could,
But on the third day
   His life was restored
      and He came out
         by God's own hand.

By the fact of this,
   what is so learned?
      we have hope,
         no need to fear;
      we get bodies
         just like Jesus;
      we get eternal
         life in heaven;
      and, we will be
         with God forever.

Yes, these, and more,
   but none more basic than:
      "Don't mess with God!"

Acts 4:32-5:14

by J Alan R
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